O post anterior não ficou maior do que está porque a próxima história que eu contaria nele tinha muito a ver com uma notícia que me chegou pelo twitter enquanto eu o escrevia. Sem mais delongas:
"Isaac Newton was totally, fantastically wrong about alchemy, the branch of science he spent most of his carrer on. He was as wrong as a scientist could be. And yet , he's widely regarded as the most successful scientist and mathematician ever."
"The secret of being wrong isn't to avoid being wrong.
The secret is being willing to be wrong.
The secret is realizing that wrong isn't fatal.
The only thing that makes people and organizations great is their willingness to be no great along the way. The desire to fail on the way to reaching a bigger goal is the untold secret of success."
Você sabia que Angry Birds foi o 52º jogo desenvolvido pela Rovio? Pois é. Nem eu. Essa foi a notícia que me impediu de continuar escrevendo. Já pensou se esse pessoal tivesse medo de falhar? E se eles tivessem desistido depois que a primeira coisa deu errado? No comecinho do post o pessoal fala um pouco dos perrengues que enfrentaram durante o desenvolvimento do jogo. Não foi fácil, mas tenho certeza que dificilmente existiria o sucesso sem os fracassos anteriores.
E pra finalizar esse combo de Seth Godin, só mais duas citações do Tribes:
"If you hear my idea but you don't believe it, that's not your fault; it's mine.
If you see my new product but you don't buy it; that's my failure, not yours.
If you attend my presentation and you're bored, that's my fault too.
If I fail to persuade you to implement a policy that supports my tribe, that due to my lack of passion or skill, not your shortsightedness.
If you are a student in my class and you don't learn what I am teaching, I've let you down.
It's easy to insist that people read the manual. It's really easy to blame the user/student/prospect/customer for not trying hard, for being too stupid to get it, or for not caring enough to pay attention. It might even be tempting to blame those in your tribe who aren't working as hard at following as you are at leading. But none of this is helpful."
Essa última é uma fórmula definitiva para reconhecer um líder:
"What does a leader look like?
I've met leaders all over the world, on several continents, and in every profession. I've met young leaders and old ones, leaders with big tribes and tiny ones.
I can tell you this: leaders have nothing in common.
They don't share gender or income level or geography. There's no gene, no schooling, no parentage, no profession. In other words, leaders aren't born. I'm sure of it.
Actually, they do have on thing in common. Every tribe leader I've ever met shares one thing: the decision to lead."
"Isaac Newton was totally, fantastically wrong about alchemy, the branch of science he spent most of his carrer on. He was as wrong as a scientist could be. And yet , he's widely regarded as the most successful scientist and mathematician ever."
"The secret of being wrong isn't to avoid being wrong.
The secret is being willing to be wrong.
The secret is realizing that wrong isn't fatal.
The only thing that makes people and organizations great is their willingness to be no great along the way. The desire to fail on the way to reaching a bigger goal is the untold secret of success."
Você sabia que Angry Birds foi o 52º jogo desenvolvido pela Rovio? Pois é. Nem eu. Essa foi a notícia que me impediu de continuar escrevendo. Já pensou se esse pessoal tivesse medo de falhar? E se eles tivessem desistido depois que a primeira coisa deu errado? No comecinho do post o pessoal fala um pouco dos perrengues que enfrentaram durante o desenvolvimento do jogo. Não foi fácil, mas tenho certeza que dificilmente existiria o sucesso sem os fracassos anteriores.
E pra finalizar esse combo de Seth Godin, só mais duas citações do Tribes:
"If you hear my idea but you don't believe it, that's not your fault; it's mine.
If you see my new product but you don't buy it; that's my failure, not yours.
If you attend my presentation and you're bored, that's my fault too.
If I fail to persuade you to implement a policy that supports my tribe, that due to my lack of passion or skill, not your shortsightedness.
If you are a student in my class and you don't learn what I am teaching, I've let you down.
It's easy to insist that people read the manual. It's really easy to blame the user/student/prospect/customer for not trying hard, for being too stupid to get it, or for not caring enough to pay attention. It might even be tempting to blame those in your tribe who aren't working as hard at following as you are at leading. But none of this is helpful."
Essa última é uma fórmula definitiva para reconhecer um líder:
"What does a leader look like?
I've met leaders all over the world, on several continents, and in every profession. I've met young leaders and old ones, leaders with big tribes and tiny ones.
I can tell you this: leaders have nothing in common.
They don't share gender or income level or geography. There's no gene, no schooling, no parentage, no profession. In other words, leaders aren't born. I'm sure of it.
Actually, they do have on thing in common. Every tribe leader I've ever met shares one thing: the decision to lead."