Recentemente terminei de ler o Tribes do Seth Godin. Ele fala sobre iniciativa, zona de conforto, inovação e especialmente liderança.
Foi divertido, proveitoso e rápido. Eu já ouvira falar dele antes, alguns amigos recomendaram artigos dele e vez ou outra surgia uma referência perdida aos seus livros. Mas o que me fez decidir ler agora foi o seguinte:
Estava eu conversando com Danilo sobre a possibilidade de João Pessoa ser um dos lugares do próximo Global Game Jam quando, do nada, ele solta:
"Many people are starting to realize that they work a lot and that working on stuff they believe in (and making things happen) is much more satisfying than just getting a paycheck and waiting to get fired."
"People yearn for change, they relish being part of a movement, and they talk about things that are remarkable, not boring."
"There doesn't seem to be a shortage of ideas. Ordinary folks can dream up remarkable stuff fairly easily. What's missing is the will to make ideias happen."
"In a battle between two ideas, the best one doesn't necessarily win. The idea that wins is the one with the most fearless heretic behind it."
"Change isn't made by asking permission. Change is made by asking forgiveness, later."
"There's a small price for being too early, but a huge penalty for being too late."
"In organization after organization real leadership rarely comes from CEO or the Senior VP of leadership. Instead, it happens out of the corner of your eye, in a place you weren't watching."
"There's no record of Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi whining about credit. Credit isn't the point. Change is."
"People don't believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. What leaders do: they give people stories they can tell themselves. Stories about the future and about change."
"The very nature of leadership is that you're not doing what's been done before. If you were, you'd be following, not leading."
"Once you choose to lead, you'll be under great pressure to reconsider your choice, to compromise, to dumb it down, to give up. Of course you will. It the world's job: to get you to be quiet and follow. The status quo is the status quo for a reason."
No livro há também algumas historinhas que ele conta, mas são um pouco mais longas pra colocar aqui. Talvez cada uma das melhores ganhe um post só seu.
Livro recomendadíssimo pra quem não está satisfeito com as coisas com elas são, para empreendedores e atrevidos em geral.
Foi divertido, proveitoso e rápido. Eu já ouvira falar dele antes, alguns amigos recomendaram artigos dele e vez ou outra surgia uma referência perdida aos seus livros. Mas o que me fez decidir ler agora foi o seguinte:
Estava eu conversando com Danilo sobre a possibilidade de João Pessoa ser um dos lugares do próximo Global Game Jam quando, do nada, ele solta:
Eu não sei dizer o que estalou na minha cabeça nesse instante, mas o fato é que fiquei com muita vontade de ler o livro. Ao longo dele, encontrei muitas coisas dignas de nota. Como não era meu, não pude marcá-lo nem riscá-lo. Então a alternativa que encontrei para quando quiser reler a parte mais substancial foi escrever esse post. Então aí vai uma seleção de frases marcantes do livro:
Danilo: ultimamente tenho pensando muito no livro do seth godin, we need you to lead us. tem que ser herege ou não se faz nada na vida. seth godin mother fucker
"Many people are starting to realize that they work a lot and that working on stuff they believe in (and making things happen) is much more satisfying than just getting a paycheck and waiting to get fired."
"People yearn for change, they relish being part of a movement, and they talk about things that are remarkable, not boring."
"There doesn't seem to be a shortage of ideas. Ordinary folks can dream up remarkable stuff fairly easily. What's missing is the will to make ideias happen."
"In a battle between two ideas, the best one doesn't necessarily win. The idea that wins is the one with the most fearless heretic behind it."
"Change isn't made by asking permission. Change is made by asking forgiveness, later."
"There's a small price for being too early, but a huge penalty for being too late."
"In organization after organization real leadership rarely comes from CEO or the Senior VP of leadership. Instead, it happens out of the corner of your eye, in a place you weren't watching."
"There's no record of Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi whining about credit. Credit isn't the point. Change is."
"People don't believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. What leaders do: they give people stories they can tell themselves. Stories about the future and about change."
"The very nature of leadership is that you're not doing what's been done before. If you were, you'd be following, not leading."
"Once you choose to lead, you'll be under great pressure to reconsider your choice, to compromise, to dumb it down, to give up. Of course you will. It the world's job: to get you to be quiet and follow. The status quo is the status quo for a reason."
No livro há também algumas historinhas que ele conta, mas são um pouco mais longas pra colocar aqui. Talvez cada uma das melhores ganhe um post só seu.
Livro recomendadíssimo pra quem não está satisfeito com as coisas com elas são, para empreendedores e atrevidos em geral.
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